Waves of Hope

A non profit community development program in Nicaragua

Our Story

“Be the change you wish to see” - Ghandi

Giving Back

Making a difference in our local communities

In 2009, the owners of Coco Loco Eco Resort founded the nonprofit organization Waves of Hope with the vision of helping to develop well educated, healthy and prosperous communities. Since inception, Waves of Hope has invested over $400,000 and countless volunteer hours into projects and initiatives focused on education, infrastructure, health care and environmental sustainability.

We are Waves of Hope

Progress through change

Our Vision

Educated, healthy and prosperous communities.

Our Mission

To improve the quality of life in our surrounding communities through strengthening local education, healthcare, infrastructure and environment.

Our Strategy

We live full time in these communities where we strive to make a difference. The people here have become our neighbours, our friends and our inspiration. Through constant engagement and communication, we are able to learn from those around us in order to prioritize what initiatives will make the greatest impact towards the health and prosperity of the community as a whole.

On the Ground Dedication to Our Projects

What makes Waves of Hope unique is our constant presence in the communities where we work. Many charity organizations do incredible work in areas of need; however, the problem is that when they leave, the projects are often left to deteriorate with no promise of sustainability or longevity. Without project oversight and ongoing maintenance, many communities do not have the means to keep these initiatives alive and well.

When you donate to Waves of Hope you are donating to a long term objective. We ensure that the school and infrastructure project we build are well looked after and maintained, and that our scholarship programs, environmental initiatives and health care programs are properly carried out and managed so that every penny goes towards the greater goal of building well educated, healthy and prosperous communities.

Completed Projects to Date

  • Building a Local High School
  • Clean Water Initiative
  • Scholarship Program
  • Francisco Laguna Elementary School Construction Project
  • Manzano Dos Elementary School Re-construction Project
  • Sea Turtle Hatchery and Conservation Program
  • Manzano Dos Primary School Re-construction Program
  • Extracurricular Programs – Arts (Visual, Dance, Music) and English Classes
  • Vocational Training Program
  • Ongoing School Maintenance Program
  • Youth Programs
  • Health Education Programs